"A book about Moscow" by Katya Avramenko is now available for purchase.

Impressions of an expat

This blog written in the form of fascinating novel-in-progress. Marco North immerses the readers into particular situations expats can face daily but in literary processed version. The blog is widely popular and even is called as «the work of a modern Chekhov».

Site: http://impressionsofanexpat.blogspot.com

Kidding Herself

Kidding Herself is written from the point of view of a five year old girl and is a child’s guide to going out in Moscow. Herself moved to Moscow from London in 2015 with her British Mama, her Russian Papa and her AngloRusski Big Brother. Find out what she thinks about the Kremlin, Red Square, the zoo, more art galleries than she thinks are strictly necessary and the giant Central Children’s Store.

Site: http://kiddingherself.com


Mostly the funny notes of Iva coping with Russian life and culture!

Site: https://funnynotesblog.blogspot.ru

Potty diares

This is a blog of an expat mother of two sons, living in Moscow. The author shares her experience on bringing up kids in Moscow, some useful tips and impressions of the city.

Site: http://potty-diaries.blogspot.co.uk

Arty Generation

This is a site about artists and creative people in Moscow.

Site: https://www.artygeneration.com

Add yours

If you have a great blog about Moscow to add, send us a link at privet@weheartmoscow.com