"A book about Moscow" by Katya Avramenko is now available for purchase.

We heart Moscow is your always up-to-date Moscow travel guide.

We show you the real capital of Russia.

In 2012 we’ve decided to create a site where people can find general information about Moscow. Surprisingly, there were only a few sites in English with facts about Russia’s capital and all off them contained wrong or outdated information. Even reading Lonely Planet guide about Moscow today will lead you to conclusion that author never actually was in Russia. We heart Moscow idea was born at the moment we realized that creating better and responsible source of information is possible and necessary.

So we’ve made our own online guide to help travelers in the city, giving them necessary information, to keep the track of public events for expats that moved to Moscow from abroad. Our articles are being viewed by more than 50 000 readers every month. We created a site that unites people who love Moscow and pay interest to it.